Income stacking, james clear and 22 startup principles
Centralized income truly defined is you have one income stream, or one single point of failure. Such as if you work in a job and lose it like the 1-3 Americans who have during Covid-19.
Decentralized income means you are like a computer network, if a hacker gets to your one income stream (or a politician decides to deem you non-essential), you just revert to one of your backup servers. You are diversified in your income.
Most of us by now have heard the term Horizontal Income Streams or Passive Income. I like the term horizontal income because let’s be honest, there is no such as TRULY no work money. Passive income ain’t so passive. That said, it can be upfront work for continual pay. An asset you are generating income from on a reoccurring basis.
One way to decentralize your income is to build an audience and have an email list.
James Clear explains his writing and idea-generating process.
One bonus: The ultimate guide to being an idea machine:
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