How to get so good they can't ignore you
Wassup. How is it going?
I have been doing so many things and I am so excited to write this edition and share my learnings.
In the issue,
One idea
One resource
One Project
One creator
Updates from my end
What next for me
1. Idea: how to get so good they can't ignore you
Build a unique accumulating advantage
you should have a unique personal advantage or moat if you will that is not only antifragile but also compounds and increases as your effort and time progresses. It could be something like copywriting or knowing how to code or being a really good designer and so on. This is what will help you build a personal value proposition
Work on what is durable and compounds over time
Acquire rare and valuable skills that give you a moat
Another important thing: the skill should be rare and valaubale. if not combine two or three common skills and watch how where combo turns into something truly value-adding
Before we are done:
Don’t optimize on building your network until you already have a great reputation
2. One resource just go through this platform once. i guarantee you will love this
3. One Project
Nicheless | Share your thoughts. Write away.
A blogging platform built for people. Not publications. Explore your curiosity. Reflect on experiences. Share unfiltered thoughts.
4. One Creator
Alex Brogan 🚢 (@_alexbrogan) | Twitter
The latest Tweets from Alex Brogan 🚢 (@_alexbrogan). Exploring how to get better at the game of life and sharing my learnings so you can do the same
Just so you know i also did a podcast episode with him: Link
5. Updates from my end
Building my podcast with full force now
Working on building an email list: Person as a business
6. What's next
Nothin thought of as such